BKU-2017_Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology_Survey of graduates’ knowledge and skills

Dear Sir / Madam,

We represent the Office of Quality Assurance of Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology (HCMUT). In order to facilitate the course design and improve the training programs, in addition to students’ feedback, we sincerely wish to get feedback from the corporations and organizations like you.

We would be grateful if you could take a few minutes to complete this questionnaire. Your response is kept confidential and used only for research purposes.

The questionnaire 2017 is designed for the corporations and organizations (employers/ managers/ team leaders) to assessed the graduates who have graduated from HCMUT since 2016.

For further recommendations or comments, please contact the Student Service & Career Center via the email address: nvatuan@hcmut.edu.vn, or the phone number: 028 2214 6555 (contact Mr. Tuan)

Sincerely thank for your support!

Best regards./.


Student Service & Career Center

119 Building B1

268 Ly Thuong Kiet Street, Dist. 10, HCMC

Office: (84.28) 2214 6555 | Mobile: 0968 03 11 06

Email: nvatuan@hcmut.edu.vn I vieclambk@gmail.com


There are 17 questions in this survey.


We would like to have an overview on the trend of graduates of HCMUT in 2016 and maintain a close relationship between HCMUT and the corporations and organizations . We hope that you will provide informations according to the contents below.

The information provided in this questionnaire will be confidential and will only be used for the purpose of improving the quality of training provided at HCMUT

1/ Name of the organization/corporation
2/ Address:
3/ Type of business ownership (Select one option only)
4/ Current capital scale (Select one option only)
5/ Business area (more than one option is possible)

Information of the respondent

6/ Current position (Select one option only)

Board of directors
Department head/Assistant head
Project/Production Chain Manager/Deputy-manager
No answer
7/ Working experience (Select one option only)
Less than 1 year
From 1 to less than 3 years
From 3 to less than 5 years
More than 5 years
8/ Your phone number:

9/ Your email address:

Please fill your email to us so that we can respond to the results of the survey to you after analysing!


Wishing to find out information about the graduates who have graduated since 2016 you have worked with. We hopes that you will evaluate and provide information about you staff you are evaluating.

10/ Department the evaluated employee works in (Select one option only)
Administrative organization / HR
Planning – facilities
Accountant – finance
Production and quality management
Project management
11/ Working period for the company (Select one option only)
Under 6 months
From 6 months to under 1 year
From 1 year to under 2 years
12/ Current position of the evaluated employee: (Select the highest position only)
Director Board
head/vice department
leader/vice of team/ project/line

13/ Major at the University (Select one option only)


The content of the survey focuses on 18 basic skills on two main factors: the importance of skills with the that employee's position and the satisfaction level on employee’s performance in skills. All contents were asked in 10-level scale.

Direction: Please fill in your rating for the content on the 10-level scale below:

1_Very low (10%) -------------------------------------> 10_Very high (100%)

14/ Please mark (10 mark scale) for the importance and meet requirement level of the 18 following factors below:


The important level of each factors is grade that your business requires for any new employee at the specific job  

The meet requirement level is grade of student that you are assessing 


The employee who is being assessing work in position : programmer

The scale is: 1_Very low (10%) -------------------------------------> 10_Very high (100%)

- In this position your company requires the "Logical Thinking Skills" at level  9/10 => The important level of this factor = 9

- meet requirement level of employee who is being assessing at "Logical Thinking Skills" is 5/10 => meet requirement level of this factor = 5

  The important level of factor that your business requires for any new employee at the specific job position (10 grade scale) The meet requirement level of factor that your business requires for any new employee at the specific job position (10 grade scale)
Creative thinking skills
Logical thinking skills
Independent work skills
leadersip skills
Self-assessment skills
self-adjustment ability
decision making ability
communication skills
Team work skills
Planning and organizing skills
Time management skills
Self-learning skills, self-training to improve professional capacity
Skills of adapt and overcome the work's pressure
Comply regulation
Responsibility and sense of professional ethics
Foreign language capacity
Problem-solving skills
System thinking ability

15/ Please evaluate generally about the level of satisfaction for graduates of HCMC University of Technology - VNU 


Very satisfied

16/ Do you offer any added knowledge or skills to graduates of HCMC University of Technology - VNU?

17/ Which university that your company choose firstly when having work demand?